The Voyager

An Experimental Music Video

During the 2020 pandemic, while under lockdown I experimented with creating sampled hip-hop music. In the process of creating a short set of beats, I sampled various bits of dialogue from vinyl records and connected all the music together. Upon listening to the music and the dialogue, I began to notice a vague narrative within the piece. As the lockdown extended, I decided to add visuals to the track to create a music video. All of the visuals include archival footage, which were then filmed on a camcorder, and then edited together. The narrative follows a lone traveller through space accompanied only by cartoon voices.

“The Voyager” was selected by the Oak Cliff Film Festival in 2021

Round and Around We Go

This piece was created by projecting food color onto a wall through an old over-the-head projector. The images were then edited to look like a kaleidoscope. The projection begins with mostly monochromatic visuals, until color is introduced. This piece serves as a visual representation of the transition of film from black and white to color.

Middle Children of History

Another one of my projects created under lockdown, “Middle Children of History” is a collection of various films, TV shows, and commercials that when put together create a conversation about the tensions and concerns that grew in the year 2020.

Burning Peace

The inspiration for this project was the famous photograph taken during the Vietnam war. Of course the story behind that photograph has its own history, but the image of a man meditating while burning has countless possible meanings that should be relatable to anyone at any point in history. I projected a video of a fireplace onto a statue of the Buddha to achieve this effect.

A Trip To Television

This project is a video feedback loop with a loose narrative. The viewer sits in front of their TV and begins to watch the screen closely. After enough time spent staring at the screen, the viewer essentially loses track of what reality is, even as they look away from the screen.